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I believe, based on what I read in newspapers, etc., that the conservationists in Colorado, as well as other states in the west, are up against deep seated beliefs that humans have the right to use and dispose of wildlife in any way they choose. The old idea of "dominion." It is as fundamental to our society as racism and misogyny, and every bit as destructive. A lot of money is backing opposition to the idea that wolves, big cats, and other wildlife has a claim to the earth. These moneyed interests, along with ranchers, hunters, and anyone who considers their livelihood threatened by wildlife and its apex predators, are dedicated to maintaining dominance of the earth and the right to exploit it for their purposes. They refuse to acknowledge the reality that their values and way of life damages biodiversity and ecosystems which are essential to the lives of everyone.

FWIW There are 8 billion humans living on Earth. It is past time for humans to relinquish their idea that they are the most important life on the planet. If we want to live on a planet that will sustain a worthwhile existence, we must change our thinking. Humans are not the most important life on earth. We are simply part of it. If we don't change, we will destroy it.

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